Overlooked Nonconfidential AI Applications

The reality is that there are already troves of publicly available information – and therefore, opportunity! – to leverage AI for a surprising number of comms scenarios, even in biopharma.

Before we go any further, let’s be clear about two things:

First, this is NOT a call to skirt your company’s or clients’ compliance or security guidelines.

And second, we are neither claiming to be AI experts nor legal experts.

With that out of the way… Training data for AI platforms is often kept secret, and copyright law is still TBD for a lot of this, but it’s safe to assume that anything in the public domain could be referenced or used to train AI systems.

So, why not take advantage?

We recommend taking inventory of public materials that you can use on your own to equip AI tools with context, tone, format, style, and voice.

Only a FEW examples include corporate website copy, past social media and blog posts, press releases, earnings call transcripts, and medical meeting presentations.

Much of our comms work is confidential, of course.

But using public materials for future plans or recycling previously released content with AI assistance are great use cases.

Let’s say you’re writing a series of follow-on social posts for leaders on your team to amplify key messages from a recent press release.

Or maybe you’re doing research for scenario planning and want to take into account outcomes with peers and competitors.

There’s so much more.

The point is, regardless of how AI-prepared your org is, you can still adopt these game-changing tools.