Best Part About Being a Biopharma Communicator

Is our job as biopharma communicators for the faint of heart? No. But is it one of the coolest, under-the-radar professions of all time? Inarguably, yes!

We often hear things from the T2B community like, “I just sorta stumbled into this role, and that was 20 years ago.” Or “We kinda need to know a little bit about everything.” Let’s dig into that.

First of all, this is a niche role, but we suspect that’ll change as the organizations advancing the science become more and more visible. Think about it – in the past few years, we’ve gone from asking “Pfizer or Moderna?” at the dinner table to reading about Ozempic, well, everywhere, even in the tabloids.

Our industry is only expanding, and with it is coming the necessity for leadership teams and boards steering these companies to be even more planful and strategic, and work hand in hand with well-versed, highly specialized corporate affairs practitioners like us.

We don’t see why this shouldN’T be a career option that our college advisors tell us about, or better yet, hear about in high school or middle school.

But, but… to actually be successful, there’s a looong list of hard and soft skills acquired through both textbook and experiential learning, to hone. While you don’t have to have a formal science background, you DO need to have a passion for it and a willingness to read a LOT and most of all, to listen.

Listen to scientists gossiping in the breakroom. Listen to your CEO present the corporate deck. Listen to your head of IT’s vision. Listen to your program manager’s milestone plans.

And THAT, my friends, is the best part: Sanctioned opportunity to be embedded across the organization so that you can help drive the conversation and ultimately, tell the story to the world.

Do you agree?