Empowering Corporate Advocacy Thru Social Media

As we roll into a new month, we’re combining a little bit of September’s theme of digital storytelling with October’s theme, as we transition to look at different kinds of advocacy across our industry and what it means for our companies, clients, and leaders.

First, let’s differentiate between a few types of advocacy:

Corporate advocacy relates to a company’s support for social causes.

Brand advocacy centers on customers and employees promoting the brand.

Policy advocacy involves influencing government policy or regulations.

Zeroing in on corporate advocacy, the Institute of Business Ethics reported in 2023 that a survey among international Corporate Affairs professionals found that half believe that companies should play a role in taking a public position on issues.

One of the most powerful tools at our disposal when it comes to corporate advocacy is social media.

The University of Kansas’ Community Toolbox highlights that “the modern digital era means that social media will no longer be a standalone aspect of your advocacy plan, but rather something that should be integrated at the most basic level.”

That’s because social media enables a quick reaction and a channel to share corporate responsibility efforts, while fostering two-way conversation and a community of trust.

What role does social media play in your own corporate advocacy framework?